"The Bachelor" Season Finale Leaves Behind a Tense Family Feud

I gotta say it here, I love watching The Bachelor. The first time I watched a season, I ended up binge watching it in one night with my girlfriend, and it's been my biggest guilty pleasure ever since. I've kept up with every season now, but this finale had more twists, turns, and awkward family encounters than I could count... and it was awesome.

Last night ABC hosted a live finale (like always) to the conclusion of Peter's season. By this point, Madison, one of the remaining two contestants, the one Peter was ready to marry, drops out over their differences together. Peter then proposes to his runner-up, Hannah Ann. She says yes, and they officially become engaged. Skip forward, Peter breaks up with his new fiance explaining he still had feelings for Madison.

After a classy engagement breakup on national television, we cut to Madison meeting up with host Chris Harrison to tell him she's changed her mind about her decision. Chris then lets Madison know that Peter is single again, and they set up their reunion on the live taping of the season finale, where they finally got back together again and lived, sort-of happily ever after.

What us, the audience already know is that Peter's family is incredibly against this match up... especially his mother, who went viral last night for what she said when asked how she felt about her son's decision.

Check out the full conversation here!

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