

I made this blog to keep in touch with my grandma. But If you must know about me, I have two cats, a Wife and i'm running out of room to type... Just...Full Bio


Grandma Stole $2,000 from a Roadside Corn Stand

Have you ever stopped at a roadside stand that works on the honor system? No employees, just a bunch of fruits or vegetables, and a box you drop money in? Well, some people do take advantage . . .



A 67-year-old woman in Indiana named Teresa Lynn Kiner is facing charges for stealing from one of those stands. Between July and September, she stopped at a small, family-run stand that sells corn at least 18 times.



She'd reach into the box like she was making change, and walk off with a wad of money. Cops say she stole around $2,000 total, and also took a bunch of corn.



The family that owns the stand put up a security camera when they realized money was missing. So all the thefts after that were caught on video.



Teresa tried to deny it and said she'd only stopped at the stand three times this year. She even claimed to have dementia and said she couldn't drive. But she's never been diagnosed, and they have footage of her driving.

She admitted to everything once they showed her the videos. She's facing 18 counts of felony theft. 

(WXIN / Greenfield Reporter

(Here's her mugshot.)

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