Random Sass - October 28

“Marvelous, another glorious morning.”

But, really.. it is now that I know the original cast of Hocus Pocus agreed to a sequel!! The three Sanderson sisters, Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy are returning to put a spell on you! 

If you’re a fan like myself and watch Hocus Pocus 159 times every Halloween, then prepare yourself. Now, the release date for Hocus Pocus 2 has yet to be announced, but be ready to watch on Disney+ when the three witches fly in on their brooms or vacuums... 

I guess the spoilers are true!! The Bachelorette is blowing up, mostly because current ‘Bachelorette’ Clare Crawley is calling a contestant after two episodes her “fiance.” Also, another reason this season is the most dramatic yet is due to another woman having to take Crawleys place! Do you know who it is? Well, at the end of last nights episode the new bachelorette, Tayshia Adams made an appearance and it’s about time the contestants get a woman willing to dedicate her time. Let’s just hope Tayshia doesn’t fall in love with one guy and repeat his name 1,763 times an episode. 

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