Random Sass - September 23

The Ellen Show is back and running. You would think with the allegations that surfaced saying the show is a "toxic work environment", that ratings would have been at an all time high... However, viewers were not impressed with how she handled the situation. Apparently rather than taking the topic seriously and apologizing, she laughed it off, joking and making everything about her. Which, if anyone should know better, Ellen knows this is NOT “being kind to one another.”

First, Denise Richards and now Teddi Mellencamp is no longer a member of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. But, rather than walking away like Richards, Teddi found out the hard way when she realized her contract was not being renewed. 

What are Bravo fans going to do now that two women with zero personality are off the show? Sit and mope or email Andy Cohan repeatedly until Kris Jenner joins? I mean she’s best friends with Kyle Richards, her life would be the most entertaining and Keeping Up With the Kardashians is coming to an end. I’m just saying, this needs to happen. 

A friend of mine just got her boyfriends first initial tattooed on her neck. Before you say “girl, you’re crazy” like me... I haven’t even gotten to the best part. 

They’ve been seeing each other for eight months. Last night she found pictures of him and another girl on his iPad. The photos were taken two months ago. 

Now, this is terrible so is there any good news? Her first initial is the same as his. 

“Phew,” am I right?

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