Coldplay Looking to Make Next Tour "Enviromentally Beneficial"

In a recent BBC interview, Chris Martin explained that Coldplay will not be going on tour despite the release of their latest album Everyday Life this Friday, until they can figure out a way to make the tour environmentally sustainable and beneficial in some way.

Martin explained, "We're taking time over the next year or two, to work out how our tour can not only be sustainable but how can it be actively beneficial," and added "Our dream is to have a show with no single-use plastic, to have it be largely solar-powered."

So far this concept hasn't been touched on by many artists, and it could spark an interesting conversation. I never thought about how much power it actually takes to light up a massive stage for a band at this caliber, but if Coldplay pulls this off, I wouldn't be surprised to see more environmentally friendly tours created by other artists. What do you think, should more bands aim to use sustainable energy?

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